Well, here is that post I promised about the ideas I have for the future of this blog. First off, once I have more books to read, I will do more 40k Book Reviews, but for now I want to cover another topic.
For a while now, I've been wanting to construct a narrative 40k experience and feature it here on my blog. Once the armies are painted (hopefully sooner than later), I intend to go through with that plan. I've been working on back-stories, names, locations, and motivations for around a month now.
There are several things that I know I want to feature in this series:
- Pictures of the armies, or at least of important units.
- A page full of background "fluff" for each army participating.
- Battle Reports with pictures and narrative bits.
- Battles that affect the outcome of the system's narrative.
- A broader selection of game-types and scenarios that give a more dynamic experience than "kill everything" or "hold that rock."
The battle reports may prove difficult due to insufficient lighting where we play, but I can hopefully improve on that soon. I'm also working on getting a light-box setup for photographing the miniatures for each army as I type this. However, it will still be quite some time before I can actually start on this: there are still many miniatures to paint!
Here's a list of the armies possibly involved (no special names yet):
- Chaos Daemons
- Dark Eldar (two forces)
- Eldar (questionable)
- Imperial Guard
- Orks
- Space Marines
- Tau
I'll be posting updates as I get closer to having this project up-and-running. I would love to hear any suggestions about what you would like to see in this project!
Thanks for reading!